
Pink, Orange and Red Clouds

Sunlight bounces around the atmosphere giving clouds beautifully varied colors at sunset, sunrise and twilight.

Pink, Orange and Red Clouds

Sunlight bounces around the atmosphere giving clouds beautifully varied colors at sunset, sunrise and twilight.

Pink, Orange and Red Clouds

Sunlight bounces around the atmosphere giving clouds beautifully varied colors at sunset, sunrise and twilight.
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    Carpenter Mountain, Oregon

    Visit Rob at his fire lookout in the West Cascades of Oregon from late-June until mid-October. Rob has been the fire lookout at Carpenter Mountain for several fire seasons.

    Carpenter Mountain Fire Lookout

    Forest Service Rd 350
    H.J. Andrews Forest

    Late June - Mid-October
    McKenzie River Ranger District,
    Willamette NF, Oregon
    44.2811821, -122.1437645